The last month has been busy in my classroom, as well. As I am journeying toward my goal of being a special education teacher, I am working as a Communications Aide in a classroom for children with autism. We have been introducing the concept of centers to the students. I have been developing our writing and math centers. My colleague, Melissa, came up with a listening center that has really helped the students when they need to calm down. We have a really cool listening bingo game that the students enjoy. I am also slowly implementing a "write the room" center, but I still have work to do on that. :) Basically, we've rearranged the classroom, and that takes time and delicacy. Changing things too quickly can result in problem behaviors in the classroom.
I have been interested in sensory integration since graduate school. I have seen amazing--miraculous--transformations in children with sensory integration disorders. I received training in sensory disorders while I worked in Early Childhood Intervention, and took a course in Bonding and Relaxation Techniques years ago. Because of all of this, I am always looking for activities that promote organization of the sensory system. All of this fits very nicely in the classroom I am in, as students with autism often suffer from sensory disorders. Last month, I made pumpkin pie playdough, and it has gone over very well. I had hoped to make some gingerbread playdough today, but I already have a pile of laundry waiting on me and pants to hem. I am definitely making the gingerbread playdough for the students as Christmas gifts, and plan to put it in little plastic containers for them to take home on the last day of school before winter break.
This afternoon, I made scented and colored rice. I found the idea on Pinterest, but we are using the rice in a number of different ways.
I am finding that the students have difficulties with transitions, and that calming activities enable them to reduce their anxiety. Additionally, the rice is an excellent reinforcer because the feel of the rice in their hands is pleasing to them. They will work hard to complete their assignments in exchange for some time playing in the rice bin. :) This is a much better alternative to food reinforcers, which I saw a lot of last year in special ed. rooms that I subbed in.
We'll see how my students like the new scents tomorrow. Now, onto laundry!
Many blessings, Jennifer
P. S. I am linking to Susan's Metamorphosis Monday at
Sounds like fun! Makes me want to play in rice! Love the idea of flavoring it with Kool-aid. I had heard of finger-painting with pudding, but that's about the extent of using food for fun that I've heard about. ;o)