Sunday, November 25, 2012


It is November 25, the day before I head back to school after a busy Thanksgiving break.  I am feeling a little overwhelmed about this blog, as it has been two months since I've posted.  There has been a lot going on and I am not sure how to proceed.  Without becoming tedious about the last couple of months, I'll just say that October was my crucible.  As a first-year teacher, October is typically a bad month, I am told.  For me, I wasn't sure how I was going to make it!  One of my aides left for a whirlwind tour of Turkey, Israel, and Greece in early October.  It was her life-long dream to go on this trip, and I knew she was going to have the time of her life.  As for the classroom, we had a very capable substitute teacher to take her place.  However, the day she left for her trip, my other aide gave her two weeks' notice.


Sooo, on top of having one aide out, I needed to find another.  In the midst of that dilemma, I also had a couple of classes to take for my alternative certification program.  I had online classes to complete for the district.  I had several trainings to take--in addition to writing lesson plans, taking data, and getting ready for an Admission, Review, Dismissal (ARD) meeting.  AND, in the midst of all this fun stress, I got a new student. 

I should also add that I had my formal evaluation during this month. Because I'm a first year teacher, I've been observing other SPED classrooms and I've had a campus mentor observing my class.  At one point, I'd had three visitors in my room in one day.  Let's just say, I'm glad October is over.  It took some time to resolve my first dilemma of finding a new aide, but I am so happy to say that a good friend of mine accepted the position and has already been a tremendous help to me.  Things worked out for good.

I passed my classes, completed my trainings, and my formal evaluation came out very well.  I took my last teacher exam on Nov. 19th, and I passed it.  I'm breathing a bit easier, though I have to admit that I really needed this break.

I'm still very grateful to be teaching.  I still love my class.  At times, though, I really wish that this job were a bit more manageable.  I create most of my classroom resources.  It takes a ton of time and money.  I've got a stack of tasks needing to be laminated and assembled for my students to use.  The bright side is that my students are showing progress.  I have high expectations of them, and they are doing so well.  I know that a year from now, I'll feel a bit more confident about this position.  At the very least, I won't have so many observations of me and for me to do.  My first year teacher academy will be over.  I'll have compiled a lot of resources and will have completed lesson plans that I can use next year. 

If I can just hang in there, I am certain that next year will be better.  At least, I hope so!

Many blessings,


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