The classroom is really taking shape. Brian and I worked on it this weekend. He helped me put up this bulletin board, which turned out really well. Underneath the table is the light table, which is not quite finished.
We went to IKEA this evening and purchased some LED lights and a support structure to support the lights underneath the table. I'll post pictures when it's finished. Brian and Jacob will be putting it together in the next day or so, before our "Meet the Teacher" Day on Thursday afternoon. I've got several sensory/fine motor activities to use with the table, and I'm anxious to get it all set up. Light tables cost quite a bit of money, but if this works out, we'll have made one at less than half of the cost.
Lily, Jesse, and their friend, Jett had fun playing games on the computer while we worked. |
It's been a real challenge to get the classroom together when I've been involved in training nearly every day. I really appreciated Brian coming up on the weekend to help me. The kids have come up to help me, too. :)
I came in on Thursday of last week, and the ladies that I work with in the classroom, the paraprofessionals in the class, had brought in the colorful rugs seen in the pictures below. They really add the bright colors that the classroom needs.
Brian mounted the lights above the cabinet. They provide a nice, soft light when the fluorescents are turned off. |
My projector is now tilted downwards, toward the SMART Board. The rug defines the area where our morning activities and the reading area will be held. The book shelf in the reading area was a hand-me-down from one of the teachers. I felt that it was a bit too unstable to use in an upright fashion, but when laid on its side, works very well. I bought the canvas bins sitting on top of the book shelf at Wal Mart. |
Another sideways shelf. The rolling drawer cart was repurposed from another classroom, and the other AVLS teacher, Jazz, gave me the colorful shelves on the left. In this free play area, I plan to have a bulletin board above the shelves that will feature student work. I will store learning toys in bins in the shelving unit. Science activities will be stored on the colorful shelves. |
Brian got a really good deal on the fridge. Students' snacks are stored in the drawer bins, and the microwave is one from our media room upstairs that we really didn't need. We popped popcorn in it while we worked! :) |
After it rained a week ago, we discovered a leak in the ceiling in my classroom. After the extensive remodel, there were about 14 such leaks throughout the school. We're really grateful to have found the leaks now, before the classroom was completely set up. It does present a problem for me, though, in that I can't put up my bulletin board on that wall. :(
Tomorrow, I'll be at a district wide training all day. I really appreciate that my district gives us so much information and support. It will certainly make my first year as a teacher easier, because I'm being given so much information to aid in making my first year successful.
Each day, I am more and more amazed at how good God has been to us. I am enjoying my work and I'm being made to feel welcome by my fellow faculty members. I feel blessed beyond measure.
Many blessings,
It's looking great! So proud for you and what a blessing you're going to be!