Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Rotten Dilemma of The Working Mom

Lily is sick today.  She didn't feel well when I picked her up from my friends' house after work.  She seemed warm and complained of a headache.  All evening she didn't eat much, and had some tummy trouble.  I checked on her late last night, to see how she was sleeping, and she was awake and burning up. Brian gave her ibuprofen and she was able to sleep comfortably.

Thankfully, my job permits sick days, so I submitted my absence online so as to get a sub.  (A few months ago, I was that sub!)  There are three of us in the classroom where I work, and two of us are out today.  I knew it would put the lead teacher in a bind, but it could not be helped. 

It is a rotten dilemma to want to be a conscientious and dependable employee and yet be the mom...

                              who serves hot soup and cold lemon-lime soda on a tray in bed

                              who snuggles up next to a tired little girl and lets her sleep away her

                               who puts her favorite silly shows on the tv

                               all the while keenly aware of how many days I have left to take off

                               and of the teachers and children at school who will be inconvenienced

                                and feeling slightly guilty because of that awareness.

                                Lily is feeling better and that is what 'sick days' are for.

The classroom will survive without me, if for only one day.

Besides, I like being the mom who nurses her children back to health.

Many blessings,


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