Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sweet moments...

Brian and I were sitting here in the living room, talking about forgiveness.  I really appreciated Pastor Mark's sermon today from Ephesians 4.  The particular topic was exactly what I needed to hear.  I intend to get rid of bitterness.  I confess that I have been angry with some people that have hurt me recently, and I've decided that I am going to work towards forgiving them.  I just want to let all of it go.  I can't pretend to be happy to see these folks yet--I'm just being honest.  I can't pretend to be happy to see someone who I feel has been dishonest and deceitful, but I am going to work hard on forgiving them. 

At any rate, we were talking and Lily came in, freshly bathed and teeth brushed.  She asked for Daddy to read to her before she went to bed.  This is the sweet picture that I captured.  Now, I ask you--do I have any right to be bitter?  I have so much love in my life.  This picture reveals just one of the many things I have to be thankful for.  I don't want to waste any effort on being bitter.  I just want to soak up all the sweetness and light that life has to offer.  I hope that you do, too.

Many blessings,


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