Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Perspective of Maps and of Lives

After the Rangers' win over the Yankees last night (Way to go, Rangers!!), Brian and I had a discussion of how we'll remember the year 2010.  We talked about the challenges we've faced this year and the milestones that were hit thus far.  It's been a tough year, to be honest.  Though Brian was just laid off on Oct. 8th, we have been living under the threat of lay-off for about 11 months now.  And not a 'maybe the company will close today' once a month, or after a few months of lay-offs.  No, an every-single-day concern for months.  Brian would call on Friday and let me know if payroll had come through.  He'd relax on the weekends and be miserable Sunday nights, knowing he had to endure the stress of the work environment.  We talked about the lay-offs, the migraines, the repossession of company property, all of it; what had made this year an extraordinary one for our family.

However, this morning, I was thinking of perspective.  I was thinking of how I learned at some point in my education that maps were drawn from the perspective of the cartographer and the country in which he was from.  I remember being shocked out of my own limited worldview to learn that other countries' maps are drawn with their country as the central landform on the map.  I don't want to be the center of my own worldview.  I don't want my limited perspective on life and my experience of it to be central to how I view things around me. 

What got me to thinking of all this was the realization that others around us--very near to us, in fact--are experiencing their own extraordinary 2010.  Close friends have experienced birth, graduation, marriage, and death.  We have shared our experiences this year with others, and have been shocked to hear the challenges that our friends are going through.  To be fair, they have been equally shocked to hear that we were having a tough time.  I've learned from others that have experienced the failure of companies how difficult it is.  I've learned that we aren't the only ones who have been in this situation. Brian said yesterday that we haven't lost anything that is really meaningful.  He's right.  We still have each other.  We still have bright, healthy children.  We have a roof over our heads and food on the table.  We have a wonderful group of supportive friends and family.  God is not done with us yet.  I want to have His perspective.  I want to view the events of 2010 from a godly perspective:  How did our challenges move us forward?  How did the events of our lives grow us closer to others?  How did God use 2010 for His glory? And not just in our lives, but in the lives of others.  I get a lot of comfort in hearing the testimonies of others.  I see how God has brought people through things for His purpose.

At the end of my days, if the map of my life were drawn, I would want the Lord drawn at the center of my life.  I would want to see all the events in my life drawn around Him, pointing directly to Him.

Many blessings,


  1. Tremendous job girl. Thank you for the perspective you gave, and I am grateful to call you a friend and sister in Christ!

  2. Jennifer, your writings are a blessing to me. I'm so glad to know you and Brian and have your influences on my family.

  3. as always, you inspire me and remind me to look at things a different way. may our Lord never cease to use you to help me! :)
