Monday, August 1, 2011

Putting Myself Out There...

We're back from our vacation to south Louisiana.  We have been gone for the past week, so I took a break from blogging to enjoy time with family.  We visited New Orleans several times, so we had the opportunity to go to the Audobon Aquarium of the Americas and the Audobon Insectarium, the French Market, and to Drago's Restaurant.  We also visited the beach in Gulfport, Mississippi, took an airboat ride in a swamp, and ate lots of great Cajun cuisine.  It was especially great to visit with family.  We stayed with Brian's Aunt Becky and Uncle Dale in Raceland, La. and spent a good amount of time with his cousin Matt and his wife, Kay and their two children.  On the way back home, we had the opportunity to visit his cousin Amy and her husband Max and their two kids in Alexandria.  Everyone was so hospitable and sweet.  We are so grateful for everyone welcoming us into their homes.  It's no small feat to take in our crew!

Brian trying a BBQ flavored cricket at the Insectarium.

If you've read my blog since the beginning of the year, then you'll know that one of my goals for 2011 is to get a full-time job, preferably in education.  My long-term goal has been to obtain a position as a Special Education teacher.  Since June, I have applied for twenty jobs in one district alone.  I've applied for two other jobs in another district, and have searched for jobs in surrounding districts, but discovered pretty quickly that there just aren't any that I'm qualified for.  I've concentrated my job search in the district that I sub in, since that is where my experience and my network is.  I had high hopes in June; however, I admit I've been a little discouraged of late.  I discovered when we got back home that a new job was posted for the elementary school where my youngest children attend.  I applied for it and contacted the assistant principal there, and am hopeful that something will come of it.  If you are of a mind to pray, I'd appreciate a prayer or two said on my behalf.  I'd really like this job. 

I have been trying to remind myself that I have a job as a substitute if I don't get a permanent position, and that the job market is tough--I mustn't take it personally if I am not hired for a full-time position this school year.  I read a blog on the Dallas Observer this morning that put things into perspective:  Dallas had a job fair recently to fill 700 jobs and invited 800 to come apply.  That sounds a bit like a bloodsport, but at least they were able to have a job fair.  Many districts in the D/FW area have cancelled their job fairs and recruiting altogether.

As for me, I'll continue to pray and seek...

Many blessings,


1 comment:

  1. I hear you Jennifer! I am a special education teacher and haven't worked in 6 years. We moved from Chicago to Buffalo, NY and there just weren"t any jobs. I decided not to fret. I let God lead me. He lead to me a wonderful ministry of feeding a women's shelter. So once a month I lead the group to feed Cornerstone Manor. It was very rewarding. Now that we have moved to Houston, I am again waiting on Him to direct my paths.
    I will pray for you but don't be surprised if you end up somewhere different! God has a plan for you...You will know what it is at the right time.
    Love ya,
    Blessings My Friend,
